Art Video
ART video

Winner: Best Editing, New Jersey Film Awards, New Jersey, USA, January 2023 • Winner: Best Music Video, Stockholm City Film Festival, Stockholm, Sweden, September 11, 2022 • Bimonthly Winner: Best Experimental Film, Monza Film Fest, Monza, Italy, Nov/Dec 2022 • Honorable Mention: Nassau Film Awards, Princeton, NJ, 2023 • Official Selection: Liverpool Indie Awards, Liverpool, UK, March, 2023 • Official Selection: Kalakari Film Fest, Devas, India, 2023 • Finalist: Music Video, Art Film Awards, Skopje, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, December 1, 2022 • Honorable Mention: Music Video, Eastern Europe Film Festival, Craiova, Romania, December 1, 2022 • Honorable Mention, Paris Film Awards, Paris, France, December 31, 2022 • Official Selection, Wisdom Tree International Film Festival, Pune, India, January 20, 2023
Starring Sofia Baliakhova. Directed by John Soares & Jeff Mellin. Written, Animated, & Edited by Jeff Mellin. Photographed by John Soares. On-Carousel photographs by Sofia Baliakhova. Photographed at the Rose Kennedy Greenway, Boston, MA, October 25, 2011. Horse motion animations based on Eadweard Muybridge's "Tranverse-Gallop" photograph series, 1887.
Video for a track from Three On A Match, a conceptual album comprised of songs inspired by the titles of Bette Davis films (but not necessarily the films). This particular song has little to do with the associated film, and is instead a meditation on memory, regret, and perception of time. The video expands on that idea, considering the limitations of memory, the isolation of art, and the possibilities of renewal in experiencing the present.

Official Selection: 5th Annual Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, Philadelphia, United States, June 9, 2012

Created for the Natural Collection at Millésimé, Old City Philadelphia in conjunction with First Friday and Design Philadelphia 2013

Honorable Mention: 4th Annual New York City Independent Film Festival, New York City, United States, October 19, 2013
From wiaiwya’s 7777777 series.Download the song at
Written by Jeff Mellin (© Sweet Red Onion Publishing, BMI)
Jeff Mellin – Lead Vocal, Acoustic Guitar • Jenny Dee – Lead Vocal • Abbie Barrett – Background Vocals • Tim Gearan – Rickenbacker 12-String Guita • Ed Valauskas – Bass, Tremolo Guitar, Background Vocals • Andy Plaisted – Drums • Phil Aiken – Piano, Farfisa Organ • Eric Salt - Percussion, Piano
Produced by Ed ValauskasRecorded and Mixed by Jon Lupfer. Assisted by Sean Cahalin
Recorded at Q Division Studios, Somerville, MA
Video by John Soares (photography) & Jeff Mellin (editing)

Created for the MoMA PopRally: Abstract Currents Interactive Video Event 4/7/2013

For more about Billy:
Photographs by John Soares. Animated & edited by Jeff Mellin . Based on a project originally orchestrated for Sublingual Records by Roger Miller.
Music: “Sugarbuzz” by JV McDonough with River City Rebels
In March of 1998, Jonathan LaMaster was starting the SUBLINGUAL RECORDS label for avant/improv. music in Boston. The first release was a compilation called BOSTON UNDERBELLY. Roger Miller suggested that John Soares photograph Billy Ruane for the back cover. Billy wanted to conduct Branca's 6th Symphony during the shoot. He wasn't drinking alcohol at the time, but guzzled Coca-Cola non-stop, and, with his baton, "air-conducted."
The first set of shots showing Billy silhouetted in his classic sport-coat made it to the back of the CD. Three Billys collaged on top of each other, "Charlie's Angels" style. The last set, showing Billy in a white shirt, was never used, but captured the internal Billy; the bird/angel. Roger kept the contact sheet ever since, knowing it would have to be used for something someday.